Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 7

Costa Rica/2011 Day 7:

Today we participated in the World Leadership curriculum. We used the Myers-Briggs personality test prior to coming to Costa Rica. We had a mix of the four types of leaders. Several of the leadership qualities matched my personality exactly. It's interesting to hear the results & how they are related to each person.

After participating in a couple of curriculum activities we divide & conquer. Five educators are in each group to go to each of the three schools. Dihann, Meghan, Adam, Ross & me were at Chilamate School. This school is coed & services several aged children. (Pre K-6) what is interesting about Costa Rican schools is that the teachers have two shifts each day for classes. Some kids start school at 7 & stay until 11:30. The others come in from 12-5. Regardless of arrival time every student is served a hot meal daily.

Ross, Adam, Meghan, Dihann & I have an opportunity to teach a 40 min lesson to 24 1st graders. It was so much fun, but remember not all of us speak the native tongue. (Espanol) Meghan, Ross, Dihann & Adam actually know Spanish. I would say I'm learning pretty quickly, but I'm still in the remedial class for beginners. After our lesson we do some weeding on the playground. Whew! It is sooooooooooo hot! I'm actually sweating. We are trying to stay hydrated by drinking 3 or more liters of water each day.

After weeding we head to Cinca de Tilapia Farm. There is a huge pavilion with a wood burning stove. This is an outdoor kitchen where food is being prepared for you while you wait. We are served whole tilapia, cole slaw, plantains, hash brown typed dish, fresh avocado & tomatoes. Our beverage choices are fresh guava juice or fresh pineapple juice. This lunch is so delicious. I cant believe I'm eating fish with bones. My mom usually takes them out for me. (yeah I know) after lunch we are given the opportunity to fish in the family pond. Meghan & I decide to observe the others that ate fishing. Debbie & Adam do not catch anything. However, Jean had two bites immediately and brought them in, by winding the bottle as quickly as possible. The fish are nice sized fish. Needless to say she is quite proud of herself, just as we are. Jeff also tried his hand at fishing & does not catch anything. After fishing we participate in team building activities. This is really challenging, but fun.

After the activity we are served Costa Rican coffee. It is so, so good. As others prepare to go on a tour of the plantation, Joleen & I decide to hang back & enjoy our view. (so peaceful & relaxing) I help Seniorita Rosa wash & put away dishes, We are served fresh pineapple slices as we relax.

This farm is so beautiful. The family is welcoming & inviting to us.

Deatrice Swett


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