Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 3

Costa Rica/2011 Day 3:

Today I signed up to travel by bus to visit the community of La Argentina where we visited some of Costa Rica's rural family farms. We were welcomed in Douglas & Maria's home with open arms. There are open living quarters where there is a kitchen, dining, sleeping & relaxation areas in their home. There are 3 pictures hanging on the wall for everyone to see. The first one is a picture of his grandmother. She was from Jamaica. The second picture is of his mother & daughter when she was a toddler. (she is now 40). The third picture was of Martin Luther King, Jr.

When asked about the pictures he stated in English, "I have a dream, just as my grandmother, mother & MLK Jr.  had". He & his family moved from the busy city of El Paso to be back in their home land. Douglas grew up in this province. He now owns approximately 12 acres of rainforest land. His water comes from a fresh spring, they have limited plumbing & electricity. On his farm he raises & sells tilapia, shrimp & crawfish. He grows plantains, bananas & other vegetation for survival & its just his way of life. He is proud to be living off of what we call "the fat of the land".

It is very damp & a steady bit of drizzling rain constantly. I never knew there were so many shades of green. The air is so fresh & inviting. In his community there is a church, a one room kindergarten & a one room elementary school (1st-6th). The kids are currently on a two week break from school & they are scheduled to return on Monday. There is a doctor in his community, but he is only there for three days of the week. (Mon., Tues. & Wed.) When you build a home in this area you must build your own living quarters & you must apply for a water permit. This generation of families burn their trash on the property. The 21st century children are learning to recycle through their Environmental Science studies.

While visiting we are seeing various species of birds, we saw a sloth hanging at the top of a tree, monkeys & of course various bugs, insects & spiders. Most families have dogs as pets, there are cows, horses & roosters.

This experiential study was very rewarding. It makes me realize & appreciate all of our many simple pleasures as blessings. I am having a wonderful time & I am very grateful & humbled by my experiences.

(Family & friends--I miss everyone & hope you can visualize my experience
From some of the details mentioned.)

(Jalen, Jourdan & Justice-- I love you miss you all so much & wish you were here sharing this visit with me. You all are so lucky!)

Love, Deatrice (mom)


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