This is Adam, from the Ensworth School and I am thrilled to let you all know that everyone is safe and happy two days into our adventure (Hi Mom, Dad, and Andrew!!!). It is amazing to think that we have only been here for that short of a time, as the 11 members of our group have quickly bonded, and begun to truly understand each other and this place.
Here are just a couple of brief insights and stories into what I've experienced so far:
- I love the quote "Be a traveler, not a tourist" and we are definitely doing that by meeting real families and people here In Costa Rica. We were blessed to have extremely gracious and humble hosts at the Hotel Sabana Bed and Breakfast, who educated and acquainted us with the local culture and helped us get off the beaten path to really begin to understand Costa Rica.
- Finding beauty behind razor wire: I think the first thing all of us noticed was the security fences and walls that surrounded many of the businesses and homes in the area, but we learned quickly that these unsightly exteriors were not indicative of the safe, warm, and friendly culture and people awaiting inside.
- Seeing passion is just as powerful as hearing it: We were fortunate to be able to go and meet with students at a local summer camp through a group called the Omar Dengo Foundation, which helps integrate technology into Costa Rica classrooms nationwide. The students were sharing with us their final projects from the camp, where they had created games of chance through an open source computer program. I walked up to one young student who wanted to tell me all about it and she quickly greeted me and launched into her project. She talked on and on, faster and faster, pointing at her computer screen, clicking her mouse, and looking back at me to make sure I was keeping up with her explanation, while all the time not even realizing I didn't understand a single word of what she was saying (my Spanish is a bit rusty). Yet, without being able to hear the words she said, I felt that I really did understand her, and I was enthralled by her passion, impressed by her intelligence, and left nodding my head and saying "Si" hoping to hear more as we shared an unforgettable moment that just days before was half a world apart. It has been experiences like this that are beginning to shape this trip for all of us and I can't wait to experience even more as the days go by.
We will have more posts coming soon so stay tuned, buenos noches and adios!!!
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